
Review for felted fleece rug workshop

Posted by Hattie on 20th May 2024

“My friend and I had the most amazing time making our felted fleece rugs. We felt so welcomed by Nicole, her husband Adrian and their friendly dogs Elliot and George. It was such a privilege to have a day on their beautiful small holding, surrounded by stunning scenery and being away from the hustle and bustle of life.
Nicole was a fantastic teacher and was able to support and encourage us through the different steps involved. We stopped for plenty of breaks with tea and delicious homemade scones. Another highlight for us was being able to visit and feed her beautiful Ryeland sheep who were so friendly! I would totally recommend this workshop! I know that my friend and I will cherish the special memories from the day and our rugs forever.”

Review for felted fleece rug workshop

Posted by Helen Kennefick on 6th August 2023

“Nicole is a truly wonderful teacher; kind, patient and made me feel so welcome. Having never attempted anything like this in the past I was nervous but I had no need. Nicole explained everything step by step demonstrating each part and letting me repeat ensuring my technique was spot on.
By the end of the day I came home well on the way to a stunning rug. The instructions to complete the rug at home were brilliant, I can’t believe I made it. I am delighted!
I must also mention Nicole’s cake is immense and her dogs are so adorable. “

Review for felted fleece rug workshop

Posted by Dawn Phimister on 5th July 2023

“We both really enjoyed your workshop. What a lovely place and such a fantastic host. You made us feel very welcome and went above and beyond my expectations. You were especially kind when I was daft enough to have left our packed lunch behind whipping us up a delicious homemade lunch. I am very thankful for the very well laid out instruction booklet you made for us to guide me in your absence.”

Review for felted fleece rug workshop

Posted by Helen Poremba on 5th July 2023

“I had such a lovely time on Saturday.  You have created a fantastic workshop experience. I feel like I did a lot, and learnt a lot, but at the same time I didn’t feel that I was under any time pressure at all. The whole day was so nicely paced.   Also, to have that all backed up with thorough written instructions and information is just amazing.”

Review for felted fleece rug workshop

Posted by Judith Gentry on 23rd May 2023

“I thoroughly enjoyed this days learning. The location and facilities are excellent as is Nicole. The day was relaxed with excellent tea and cakes to keep you going. The rug I have brought home is just gorgeous and I shall definitely be making more. If you love working with fleeces this is definitely a day you will love. Nicole was friendly, approachable and knowledgeable which made the day very enjoyable. You also get notes and a video, given on a memory stick, to help support you once home.”

Review for felted fleece rug – beigey-grey Scotch Mule

5/5 – thank you again

Posted by Lori on 2nd December 2022

“I absolutely love the new rug you made! It’s really beautiful.”

Review for Jacob wool felted fleece rug

5/5 – thank you so much!

Posted by Rachael Sivyer on 7th September 2022

“Just received my rug, all I can say is WOW!!! It’s stunning 😍 😍😍 ”

Review for felted fleece rug – Swaledale Mule

5/5 – stunning

Posted by Ann Garbett on 10th March 2022

“The rug arrived and is stunning.  Thank you for your beautiful, ethical craft”

Review for sheep friendly rugs

5/5 – thank you!

Posted by Nate Holbrook on  7th October 2021

“My wife and I got our rugs and absolutely love them! We appreciate the beautiful craftsmanship and our pups love cuddling on them.”

Review for sheep friendly rug

5/5 – thank you!

Posted by Susie Carter on 14th May 2021

“Just a note to thank you for this gorgeous sheepskin. It has warmed my new home so much and I’m very grateful!”

Review for sheep friendly rugs

5/5 – beautiful!

Posted by Julie Eckstrom on 25th February 2021

They are absolutely beautiful — I keep finding more and more depth in them every time I look at them. And they feel incredible, especially on cold toes in the morning! Thank you so much for these treasures!

Review for felted fleece rug

5/5 – thank you

Posted by Jess Dobkin on 3rd February 2021

Thanks again and again to you and your sheep.  This rug is such a special gift for a special occasion that will be treasured for a very long, long time

Review for felted fleece rug – soft cream curls

5/5 – thank you

Posted by Julie McCoy on 16th September 2020

Thank you for my beautiful rug, I am absolutely delighted with it!! It goes perfectly in my room and is so lovely and soft…

Review for Felted Cheviot fleece rug

5/5 – Gorgeous

Posted by Lucy Swallow on 16th September 2020

Thank you so much for the rug, it’s absolutely gorgeous!

Review for Felted fleece \”sheepskin\” rug – Cheviot hog fleece

5/5 – A work of art!

Posted by Kacie on 6th August 2020

This is the highest quality sheepskin I’ve ever seen. It’s a work of art, and we’re proud to have it in our home. I’m overjoyed to have finally found a beautiful cruelty-free option. Big thanks to you and the sheep, who are very cute.

Review for Felted fleece “sheepskin” rug

5/5 – Beautiful

Posted by Annette Young on 17th July 2020

Bought for my vegetarian daughter’s birthday. It’s just beautiful. Much lighter weight than a skin so when the box arrived we thought it must be tiny. It was delightful opening up the packaging for the big reveal. You could tell a lot of care had been taken parcelling it up so it up.

Review for Handmade Felted Fleece Rug

5/5 – Nicole’s Rug in Luxembourg 

Posted by Burban on 8th July 2020

I was looking for an ethical “sheep skin” rug and happily found Nicole and Adrian’s website. Nicole chose for us a beautiful fleece from her sheep which went into the production of our first rug. My family loves it, including the little touches that came with our package too. Nicole and Adrian are wonderful and they put love and care into everything they do. Thank you for this very special rug, we will cherish for many years to come!

Review for Felted Fleece Cushion

5/5 – Beautiful Cushion

Posted by Emma Speller on 8th May 2020

I had been looking for a felted sheepskin cushion to go in a little reading nook I’ve set up. I saw a few online but the Auchenstroan cushions looked the best of what I saw. The cushion is indeed lovely, warm and cuddly, well made and has a wonderful scent of cedarwood.

Review for This Smallholding Life – Book

5/5 – Honest and Practical

Posted by Helen Hart on 7th May 2020

Full of facts and figures, this book is what you need if you are seriously considering setting up a smallholding. Adrian doesn’t hold back with the reality of both the financial and emotional investment you will need to be a smallholder. It is refreshing to read about the mistakes made and occasional animal lost. I highly recommend this book.

Review for This Smallholding Life – Book

5/5 – A refreshing read, different from other smallholder books

Posted by Beatrix Lamb on 2nd May 2020

I really enjoyed this book because it mixes it real life anecdotes with information useful for someone thinking about moving to a smallholding. It is therefore very engaging and not “just another book about how to live off the land”. I found it also to be a very honest book in as far as it might even put someone off taking the leap into the smallholder life! It basically spells out that unless you have another job of some sort you are not going to make ends meet no matter how many eggs you intend to sell by the side of the road. I liked this approach because it encourages you to think very carefully before throwing yourself into investing in pigs, sheep, cows or whatever you have in mind. Personally I had absolutely no idea sheep were such hard work and for so little return! My eyes have really been opened, next time I drive along a road and see a field of sheep and lambs I will spare a thought for the farmers and shepherds working away behind the scenes for ridiculously long hours in all kinds of weather. I found the tables on “how much profit can be made” on each animal very illuminating. Also the charts on what each animal needs. It is certainly food for thought because I now know that the smallholder life is not by any means a cheap and cheerful life, it is quite an expensive life, especially at the beginning with all the infrastructure needing putting in place and investment in livestock. I can now see why many smallholders run courses or sell high value or unusual items, just to make their animals pay for their hay, let alone turn a profit. I would absolutely still consider the smallholder life, it has been a dream of mine for a very long time, but after reading this book I will now be thinking about ways to balance a part time job with running a smallholding as opposed to simply living off the land.