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A diary update by Elliott – Anatolian Shepherd dog – morning walk in the snow –

It’s a while since I put paw to paper, you can read my last story here:

A few days ago something brilliant happened, the outside world turned white and the ground turned crunchy.  Us dogs, we have two worlds; the outside world where we go on patrol and run about.  And the inside world where we eat and sleep.  As a dog I’m good at noticing things.  I’ve noticed the white crunchy thing only happens in the outside world.

Today, George (my dog-brother) and I couldn’t wait to go outside and explore the white crunchy world.

Morning is our favourite time for going out.  In the morning the outside world is full of smells.  But before we can go out we have to ‘sit’ and ‘wait’ in a place called ‘the porch’.  The ‘porch’ is the bit between the inside world and the outside world.  In the porch the girl human puts on our collars, ‘clip, clip’.  Then she makes us wear funny looking glowing collars.  I have an orange one and George has a blue one.  I’ve noticed she only puts these on when it’s dark in the outside world.

George and I can’t wait to get going, we are nearly beside ourselves.  But we know better than to let our girl human know this.  We pretend to be cool as cucumbers.

At last, the door opens and we follow the girl human into the outside world.  Our girl human keeps walking but George and I stand on the doorstep sniffing and looking.  We do this every time we go out.  We sniff and scan.  It’s our job to know what’s going on before deciding what to do next.

myself doing a roly poly

This morning the smells were different .  My nose got excited and started to twitch.  My legs felt springy like they do before a zoomie.

Suddenly George and I found ourselves on what the humans call ‘the lawn’.  Normally the lawn is green.  Today it was white and crunchy under paw.

George and I found ourselves skidaddling about.   We couldn’t help it.  The white stuff makes us feel like puppies again.  I’m a grown-up dog now with responsibilities.  But the white stuff calls and makes me do roly-polies and zoomies.  George is even older than me but he tells me the same thing happens to him.

We both had a brilliant time rolling around.  I noticed our girl human didn’t join in.  She just watched us and smiled.

Then we remembered our morning jobs.

myself investigating the compost heap

Firstly we headed to the compost heap to sniff out the smells.  But there were no smells there today.  Normally it is full of smells to investigate.  Sometimes I’m lucky and can reach in and have a proper sniff around when my humans aren’t looking.  My legs are very long which is handy for things like this.  But overnight the compost heap had turned white and all the fun things in it had disappeared.  So we aborted mission and headed off to the muck heap.  Lately George and I have noticed lots of badger activity at the muck heap.  They make a right mess of things, scattering dung left right and centre.  George and I would get a ticking off if we did that.  The badgers get away with murder.

myself waiting at the gate

After our morning jobs we found ourselves at the gate at the end of the track.  I like ‘the gate’, it is the bit between ‘the garden’ and ‘the fields’.  The ‘fields’ are where our friends the sheep live.

our friends the sheep


myself and George in the field

In the field George and I did roly polys and zoomies all the way to the next place on our morning walk; ‘the woods’.

the woods

We go to ‘the woods’ every morning and sniff out what’s been going on there during the night.  it is part of what we do every day.  Our humans call it ‘a routine’.   Us dogs, we like ‘a routine’.  In the woods the smells and sounds are different to the fields.  Deep in the woods we heard a funny sound from high up.  It sounded like:  “twit, wit woooooo”.  The girl human stood still, pricked her ears up and listened closely.  I have noticed that even though she is a human, she is quite similar to a dog at times.

After a while we found ourselves back at the gate and George and I remembered our next activity was just around the corner; breakfast.  Breakfast is one of our favourite things, especially after a morning zooming about in the snow!







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It’s hay time again!

Now we’re a month into winter we’ve moved the little darlings onto hay again.  Although there’s still grass on the hills and the flock trundle round grazing, the grass lacks nutritional content and isn’t sweet and tasty like it is in the summer.

For the last few winters we’ve been really lucky getting in small square bales of hay which are perfect for smallholdings.  They’re easy to store and carry around, much more so than the huge round bales that large farms use.  The huge round bales are only moveable by tractor and we don’t have a tractor.  (Well, we used to have one and it was useful when we had cows, but since we sold the cows we stopped using the tractor so we sold it).

filling dumpy bags with hay from big bales

This year however we hit a problem.  At the beginning of October, feeling very organised I pinged an email to our suppliers to arrange our first load of bales for November.  Only to be told that they’re no longer doing small bales, yikes!

I clicked into action.  There aren’t many smallholdings around here and not much call for small bales, but there are plenty of horses and horse owners like small bales too.  I phoned my friend who keeps a horse in the next village.  She gave me a number for her hay chap, but sadly his hay was all tied up and he didn’t have enough for us.  Next, I jumped in the car and whizzed over to our local agricultural store.  They’re a great mine of information and I was sure they’d know someone who did small bales.  Sure enough I came away with a phone number of a chap who was setting up a hay operation and potentially did small bales.  Unfortunately, it turned out he wasn’t going to be ready until next winter, darn!  I made several more phone calls – but no joy.  Finally, scraping the barrel I did some facebook searches and found a supplier in Cumbria who looked hopeful, they had a barn-full of soft meadow hay, perfect for sheep – until I calculated how much in fuel it would cost for me to go and collect, eek!  Time was running out and I needed to get something fixed up soon.

topping up feeders

In moments like this a cup of tea is always helpful.  Sure enough, halfway through my cuppa an idea started to form.  As things were looking, it was either big round bales or no bales at all.  Handling big bales is pretty much impossible without a tractor, however, I wondered if there was a way we could roll them into our shed if we got them delivered right next to the shed entrance.  It would only be a few feet and the shed was slightly downhill.  The only fly in the ointment was that the bales would need to be stored on pallets to keep them off the ground.  I wondered if we would manage to get them onto the pallets or whether that would be a step too far.  I ran my idea by Adrian and he said we should go for it, basically, we had little choice.

So I ordered three big bales and they arrived on a drizzly day.  What with Adrian stuck at his desk doing his day job we wouldn’t be able to move them until later in the evening, so I rummaged about in the shed to find a tarp big enough to cover them and somehow managed to drape it over the bales to keep the rain off.

Later that evening we rolled up our sleeves and with a bit of pushing, shoving and the odd naughty word, by a minor miracle, we got our three bales into the shed, yay!

Now the only thing left to do would be to decant the hay from the big bales into user-friendly portions to allow me to transport them to the paddock where the feeders are set up.

Back in September, Adrian built a nifty little shed in the paddock, just big enough to store a week’s worth of hay.  Having a few bales stored near the feeders makes life so much easier when it comes to topping up the feeders (which I do daily).

dumpy bags in hay store

I was so excited to use the new hay store this winter, and Adrian had even sized it up to accommodate exactly one week’s worth of small square bales.

Needless to say I was slightly concerned the new shed would take a week’s worth of hay in dumpy bags.

But I didn’t have to worry about that until a few days ago because during November I was still using the remainder of last winter’s small square bales and life was easy.  Then the time came to move over to the big bales.  To be honest despite my trepidation about storage, I couldn’t wait to rip open the netting on the first bale, last winter’s hay being a year old was a bit average, some of the bales were stale and I had to discard a couple which had got wet.  I couldn’t wait to get stuck into the new hay, there’s nothing like opening a fresh bale of hay, it smells amazing!

sheep tucking in


After a shaky start at the beginning of the winter wondering how we were going to manage, it seems things are working out fine with the big bales.  And the sheep are pretty happy with the situation too.






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Veggie patch tidy up

weeds everywhere

This week I thought I’d better do something about our veggie patch.  Although still productive, it’s been looking a bit rough lately with weeds finally having won the battle despite my best efforts at keeping them at bay.

veg patch mulched
newly built veggie patch with pristine paths

Truth be told I actually did very minimal weeding over the summer.  The wool I’d laid down as a mulch in the spring did a brilliant job at keeping the beds looking good.  But then all of a sudden, halfway through August there seemed to be weeds popping up everywhere.

Sedge grass, willow herb, nettles and creeping buttercup had merrily taken up residence in the gaps between the paving slabs going between the beds.  The paths had looked great once upon a time as well as being an impenetrable weed barrier.  But over the years the cement grouting between the slabs has crumbled and the weeds have been having a party ever since.

the muck heap – aka badgers’ worm buffet

Last week I decided enough was enough and rolled up my sleeves and got to work.  It was a drizzly day, perfect for weeding hahaha 🙂  My plan was to weed half the area first so that Adrian could start piling manure on at the weekend.  Then I’d attack the second half next week.  We have mountains of sheep-dung waiting to go on the beds as winter mulch.  Unfortunately this year the badgers have discovered the muck heap and been helping themselves to worms every night.  They’ve been making a right mess throwing manure in all directions.  Our once neatly formed heap has turned into a gigantic cowpat.   We plan to use up all the dung this autumn and site the heap somewhere else, hopefully the badgers won’t notice but we’re not holding our breath …

But back to the veggie patch, I spent a good morning filling my barrow with weeds and piling them onto the compost heap.  I dismantled the mangetout frame and floppy tangle of stems.  I pulled out nettles and docks that had taken up residence in amongst the Leafbeat and Chard.  Then I gathered up the sprawl of pumpkin stalks from the pumpkin patch, and finally I pulled out the bolting lettuces and Borage from the salad bed.


This year was our first year growing pumpkins here in Scotland.  Being so far north the growing season is short so we decided to grow a small variety to give the fruit half a chance of growing and ripening before the autumn.  We planted ‘Baby Bear’ and they did really well, we had 25 pumpkins in total, plenty to make into soup to keep us going over the winter.

After a hard morning’s work I went indoors for a cup of tea but not before taking a quick photo of the almost weed-free veggie patch.

after a morning’s work 🙂








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Where to put the hay

hay storage

Our sheep tend to spend much of the winter close to the hay feeders. While the fields remain open, the comfort of the shed and close proximity of food is too much of a draw.

Main deliveries of hay are stored in a large shed, but we keep a few bales near the feeders to make things easy for ourselves at top-up time. Up till now, these have been stored in a hurdled off corner of the shed. While this generally worked fine, it did mean carrying bales through a melange of sheep and a somewhat fraught effort to stack them. Fraught because once the hurdles were opened, some sheep saw this as an opportunity, particularly Yaar.

So this year, we decided to conjure up a better option, a hay storage facility both closer to where we park the trailer and closer to the feeders. Hay Bay 2 was born (Hay Bay 1 was added to our field shelter some years back, but since then we’ve moved the feeders closer to the house).

Now, I work full time so time was at a premium. Also, autumn was creeping in so the light evenings of summer were receding quickly. So, guess what I spent my weekends and holidays doing?

hay bay foundations complete
hay bay 2 – foundations complete

First was to lay a flat foundation, lifted from the ground to avoid damp. This involved much digging and levelling and siting of bricks. Smallholding seems to involve a lot of digging, measuring and moving stuff around, so I was no stranger to this.

Second was to build a raised floor. This comprised a pallette sawn to size with some planks added to fill the gaps.

hay bay 2 - framework
hay bay 2 – framework

Third was to build the framework. The shed needed to be sturdy (which eliminated all shop bought options at a stroke), the right size (ditto) and able to keep water from leeching through the walls (easier said than done). Of course, despite carefully crafted spreadsheets with macros to help me buy the right wood at the right length, I ended up short on the 4×2. Fortunately, I had some offcuts from earlier wood based projects lurking in the shed. Just enough and no more.

The second problem was that I changed the design at this stage. Originally, the idea was to have the roof level with the gap in the shed wall. But I decided, based on my experience of hay bay 1 (which leaked and so needed to be re-roofed), to integrated the roof with the shed. This meant I had to buy more wood after all.

The third problem was that my power saw decided that it had had enough, so I get a new one of those. Should have been easy, but the courier (DX) had yet to deliver any of the previous deliveries on the allocated day. I wondered what the excuse would be this time and, lo and behold, having claimed ‘no access’ more than once, this time the van suffered a ‘breakdown’. Hmm.

Nevertheless, it finally arrived and work continued.

hay bay 2 - build underway
hay bay 2 – build underway

A key part of this design was not to have a support column in the middle of the doors. Also, having learned from previous experience, I made the doors narrower. Wood’s tendency to settle and move can be a right pain when all of a sudden, that carefully aligned bolt is no longer aligned. Two very sturdy columns were put in place to support the doors along with large hinges.The doors themselves have four cross beams and plenty of screws so as to minimise any shape changing.

This was a satisfying part of the build, a series of straight cuts so no continually adjusting the saw. It wasn’t long before the walls were up. The doors took some careful measuring as, given soft wood’s propensity to warp, they ended up not exactly the size in the plan. But I was ready for that, so all went surprisingly smoothly.

After that, I lined the inside with a second ‘wall’ to keep the hay off the damp outer wall and added the roof. The only thing missing from the photos is the feeders which will be one or two metres from this new shed. A small step in making our lives easier.

hay bay 2 - complete
hay bay 2 – complete
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Hooves and bottoms – again

Every week, (weather depending) I arm myself with my ‘sheep bits and bobs kit’ and set off for a morning of hoof and bottom trimming.   In other words, I gather in a small number of sheep and spend a lovely morning with our teddy bears doing their health checks.  This includes checking and trimming their hooves, checking their bottoms and trimming their bikini lines, and if they’re woolled up I’ll trim the wool around their eyes too so they can see better.

sheep maintenance kit
sheep bits and bobs kit

We have nineteen sheep and doing the whole flock in one go is quite a lot for me on my own, so I do three or four each week.  This means each sheep gets a health check and mini hair cut roughly every six weeks.

My ‘sheep bits and bobs kit’ is one of the most useful things I own.  It contains:

Engemycin spray (aka blue hoof spray – great for mini foot infections)

Protego herbal powder spray (my favourite product of all time, I use this for minor skin wounds, it’s very effective and smells divine.  Yogi, Yssi and Ynca are all prone to getting urine stains on their bottoms so I’ll trim up the stained wool and follow up with a cloud of powder spray to prevent infection and keep their bottoms fresh)

Burgon and Ball hoof trimmers

Fiskars sewing scissors  (I find normal sewing scissors easier than full on shearing shears for doing mini trims)

Fiskars scissor sharpeners

Battles maggot oil (just in case)

‘Tom Tick’ (for removing pesky ticks)

Self-stick bandages, cotton wool and Styptic powder (in case of accidents)

Nitrile gloves

Rope halter (in case I need to secure one of the teddies)

Bribes (sheep nuts and / or chopped apples, carrots, turnips depending on what season it is)

sheep maintenance
parked up next to wee pen

I pop my bucket of things on the quad bike, secure with bungees and zoom off to look for the flock.  I have various hurdle pens dotted about over our pasture.  This means wherever the flock happens to be there’ll hopefully be a pen nearby.

Once parked up I’ll check my list to see whose turn it is, then I’ll walk over to the flock and bring in my first teddy bear.

Once I’ve got my sheep in the pen I’ll give her a piece of apple or a few sheep nuts, then a ‘tickly pickly rubbadubdub’, (some lovely scratches and head rubs).  This is important as I like the sheep to associate the pen as a pleasant experience.

sheep maintenance
bottom trimming

Then I get to work.  I put a handful of chopped apples / nuts etc in a bucket and place this in one corner.  This part is very important as I want to keep my sheep fully occupied while working on her hooves.  Where I place the sheep and myself is super important as I want to make sure her body weight is fully supported by the hurdle and me at all times.  This way when she’s balancing on three legs she’ll feel secure and and not want to run off in a panic.

When I’ve done the hooves I’ll top up the bribery bucket and start on the bottom.  If I’m working on a skittish sheep I’ll halter her up.  Sheep instinctively move forwards when their bottoms are touched which isn’t ideal when I’m trying to snip off dags and peer through wool for maggots.

sheep cuddles
sheep cuddles

Bottom done, I’ll remove the treats bucket and get to work on the face.  Some of our flock don’t need a face trim but most of them do.  Ryelands generally have the full on teddy bear look so appreciate a wee trim up around their eyes so they can see properly.

livestock guardian dogs
heading back after a good mornings work

Each sheep takes around half an hour, so after doing four or so sheep I’m pretty sore from all the shuffling around.  I’ll load up my things, call the dogs over and head back to the house for a welcome cup of tea.








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Shearing 2024

the sheep prior to being sheared

Shearing is a big day in the sheep calendar and it can be pretty stressful for everyone involved, the sheep, the shearers and the farmers.  We start thinking about shearing at the beginning of May when the weather warms up and the sheep start feeling hot and itchy in their woolly coats.

Every spring I contact Guy our shearer to confirm that we’re on his schedule, and then it’s a case of waiting.  Unfortunately we can’t just pop a date in the diary because shearing is weather dependent.  Guy also has many flocks to dealt with, he goes up and down the country helping smallholders like ourselves and so we have to be patient and wait for a slot.

In the eight weeks or so prior to shearing we step up our ‘fly vigil’ watching for signs of fly strike which can be fatal.  Our weekly ‘hooves, bottoms and face trims’ routine becomes more important because the little darlings are at their woolliest.  Some of their bottoms can be particularly challenging with all the fresh spring grass and the effects that has.

on hand with the wound spray

This year we wondered if we’d ever get our little lot sheared.  We’ve had the wettest summer we can remember, and not only that, it’s been chilly too.  We regretted turning the aga off in May and have been piling on the jumpers ever since.

Normally our shearer comes in the second half of June or at a push the first week in July.  But June came and went with grey skies, wind and rain.  This year with the strange weather we knew shearing would probably happen in July, but still, we were getting a bit twitchy as were the sheep.

In theory you can shear sheep in any old weather as long as you keep your flock under cover so the wool is dry.  But ideally shearing is best done during a spell of hot, dry weather.  The wool should be dry so the blades can run through it easily, and the lanolin should be soft to allow the blades to travel more smoothly.  If the temperature’s too low, the lanolin doesn’t soften and the blades can stick which can be a problem as you run the risk of injuring your sheep.

But at last, as we came into the second week of July shearing happened.  We had two days of reasonable weather and our shearer Guy was in the area, hooray!

Adrian getting the next sheep ready

We got the flock down into the shed the night before to make sure they stayed dry and had restricted access to grass. The next day we were up bright and early checking on the flock and making some last minute adjustments to the fancy hurdle arrangement I put in place last month.  Then we dragged the shearing platform into position, and last but not least popped some lucozade and snickers bars on the shelf in the barn.

Despite the midges and cleggs who decided to join the party Guy did a sterling job sorting out our flock with their summer haircuts.

sheep with their summer haircuts

We were so happy to have our flock sheared and the sheep definitely had a spring in their step as they trotted back up the hill to their summer pastures.






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The annual sheep shed muck-out

the shed – before –

Round about the beginning of May I started my annual “sheep shed muck-out”.   I needed to get it spick and span for shearing in June.  The sheep love their shed and spend a lot of time in it during the winter so it can get pretty mucky.  They would spend a lot of time in it during the summer too if they got half the chance.  Not fans of the hot sun, they seek out shady places, especially in the run-up to shearing when they’re still wearing their winter coats and everyone else is in tee-shirts.

As soon as the grass comes through at the end of April we shut off access to the shed and encourage the little darlings to break their “shed habit”.  They grumble for a bit and stand at the fence baa-ing, but after a few days they remember they have other shady places to lurk in such as their very own silvo-pasture.

With the sheep out of the way, I can roll my sleeves up and start mucking out.  I’m quite strict with myself and only do an hour a day to save my back.

making progress …

At first the job seems endless, but after a few days I can see how much progress I’ve made and it’s a great feeling.  The hens love it too, they help out, grubbing out little insects and having dust baths in the newly unearthed dusty layer beneath the clods of dung.

all ready for shearing!

This year it took me about three weeks to finish the shed.  I lost count of how many trailer loads of dung I lobbed onto the muck heap.  The best part was setting up the hurdles ready for shearing which I found hugely fun in a ‘re-arranging the furniture in a room’ kind of a way.  After many different hurdle arrangements which had to look right as well be practical, I eventually found a way to divide the shed into three areas.  Area 1:  multiple sheep waiting room, Area 2:  single sheep waiting room, Area 3:  shearing zone complete with board.

Now we just have to wait for shearing which is late this year because of the wet weather.  Its already July but we have the shearer booked in for Saturday so fingers crossed it stays dry.





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Elderly sheep on special diet – update

It’s been about six weeks since my last blog entry about the wonders of alfalfa and sugar-beet for elderly sheep.

This winter just gone, we’ve been keeping a special eye on three of our more elderly flock members; Sparkle and Scarlett and Shelby.  Sparkle and Scarlett are missing some front teeth, and Shelby has arthritis and can’t get around as easily as she used to.

winter at the hay bar

Winter can be tough, especially for older sheep who don’t have the reserves they once had.

sheep sheltering from snow storm
sheep sheltering from snow storm

We readily admit to spoiling our sheep a little bit, we give them access to their favourite shed to get out of the elements.  This is great for the sheep, but not so great for me as I have to muck it out every day.  But I digress, a happy sheep is a happy me.  As well as their shed, they also have ad-lib access to meadow hay and a cheeky sprinkling of ewe nuts every morning.  Despite this, as we came out of winter  this year Sparkle, Scarlett and Shelby were all looking a bit too thin for our liking.

Rocket is my middle name so I immediately researched nutritional supplements for elderly sheep with poor teeth and arthritis, preferably slow-release and non-molassed.  This is our first experience with keeping OAP sheep so it’s unchartered territory for us.

tucking into their buckets

While I found lots of information on nutritional supplements for elderly horses and ponies, I couldn’t find much at all about elderly sheep.  Several cups of tea later I at last found something which looked promising; pelleted meadow grass and pelleted alfalfa with sugar beet.

Sparkle on right looking tubbier

Fast forward a few weeks and the three ladies are doing marvellously on their special supplement.  We are so pleased, particularly with Sparkle as she had lost the most condition out of the three.  Now she looks almost back to her old rolly poly self.  We’re also very happy that the two ladies with missing incisors are still able to graze grass so this means the pelleted feed is still just a supplement rather than a main meal, at least for the moment.  Well done Sparkle, Scarlett and Shelby!







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Caring for our elderly sheep

A few years ago we made the decision to stop lambing.  Much as we loved having lambs skipping about each spring and doing zoomies around the paddock, we came to the realisation that it just wasn’t financially viable for us.  We do miss it from time to time though, lambing with all its highs and lows, it’s a profoundly magical time of year.  The miracle of witnessing life unfold, the heartbreak of having it slip through your fingers, it’s an experience you can never forget.

lambs up in the field
lambing days
Sparkle in her tubby days

Since we stopped breeding, the number of sheep we have has stayed pretty much the same.  The only thing that has changed is how old they are.  Some of our girls have reached the ripe old age of twelve which is good going considering the average lifespan of non-commercial sheep is between ten and twelve.  Our youngest are now five (which is old in commercial terms) and the rest are somewhere in between.

This winter we had three sheep on our radar, Sparkle, Scarlett and Shelby.  We were keeping an eye on them because they’d lost a bit of condition.  While it’s normal for sheep to come out of winter looking a bit slimmer than usual, these three were thinner than we liked, particularly Sparkle whose normal physique is erring on the tubby side of tubby.

Both Sparkle and Scarlett are missing some front teeth which would account for them losing a bit of weight.  Shelby still has her front teeth but has a touch of arthritis so she finds walking tricky sometimes which means she’s not grazing as much as she ought to be.

Sparkle now (on right)


special feed for our elderly sheep

Rather than wait for the spring grass to come through and see how they got along, I decided to fast track things a bit.  Actually, I was rather concerned about Sparkle as she only has one incisor left (thankfully she still has her molars), but even with lush spring grass coming through, she wouldn’t be able to get as good a nibble at it anymore.

So I did some research and found two products that looked just the ticket; Dengie’s Pure Grass pellets, and Dengie’s Alfa-Beet pellets.

Both the alfa-beet and the grass come in concentrated (pellet) form which you have to soak before use.  The advantage which comes with the soaking means that sheep with wobbly teeth should find it easier to eat.

making up the buckets

I couldn’t wait to get started.  Once I’d whizzed into town to buy what I needed, I hefted the sacks into the kitchen, got three buckets, some scales and a handful of carrots.  I carefully measured out 20g of the grass pellets and 20g of the alpha-beet into each bucket.  I deliberately went with a very small amount knowing sheep have delicate digestive systems.  My plan was to start small and build it up. I then added 10g of ewe-nuts into the mix and a handful of grated carrot.  Lastly, I added 200g water.   Happy with my concoctions I left the buckets to soak and got on with some overdue housework.  Three hours later, I grabbed my coat, the dogs and the buckets and set off in search of the sheep.

On locating the woolly gang, I called the three ladies into a pen and set my buckets down in front of them.  I couldn’t wait to enjoy that moment – the sound of sheep enthusiastically scoffing.  Sadly the moment never came, they sniffed the buckets with great suspicion, kicked them over for good measure and then looked at me with beseeching ‘feed me’ faces.

I tried hand feeding them but they weren’t having it.  Hmm I thought, what to do?

Shelby tucking in

I trudged back to the house and had a cup of tea.  I pondered things for a while and decided it would probably be best to contact Dengie’s for advice.  I sent them an email explaining my predicament and to my delight a reply came back the very next day.  They suggested making the mixture a teeny bit dryer, more ‘wet-crumbly’ than ‘wet-sloppy’.  They also suggested adding ewe-nuts which I’d already done, but this time I added a few more.  I experimented a bit and came up with what looked to be a good consistency.  20g of alfa-beet, 20g of grass pellets, 20g ewe nuts and 160g water.  Three hours later, off I went again with my buckets.  This time to my delight, they stuck their heads straight in and scoffed for all they were worth!

“please can I have some more?”

This is our first experience with caring for elderly sheep so we’ll be learning as we go along.  Fingers crossed with their nutrient-packed supplements all three will blossom and put on weight over the coming weeks.  For Sparkle who has only one front teeth left, the pellets will be a lifelong addition to her diet as she will struggle to get adequate grass.


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Breakfast for the sheep

As well as the ‘daily hay ceremony‘ which I wrote about a couple of months ago, I thought I would write a few words about another little ceremony which the sheep really enjoy; the daily ‘nut ceremony’.

Sheep go absolutely bonkers for their nuts.  I should add, these are not actual nuts, ‘sheep nuts’ are rolled pellets containing a variety of grains and legumes.

sheep heading towards the gate

Like the hay, we only do the ‘nut ceremony’ during the winter when the sheep appreciate a little extra nutrition.

First thing every morning I scoop a carefully measured amount into a bucket, then, bucket in one hand, dog leads in the other I call the the dogs and off we go.

first at the trough – Clippy the hen

Our sheep are really good at telling the time.  They come down to the paddock exactly half an hour before I make an appearance and stand in a group looking towards the house.

Then they watch me walking along the fence round the outside of the paddock before moving as one unit to the gate which stands between them and the troughs soon to be filled with ‘nuts’.

I used to fill the troughs while the sheep milled around me but this proved slightly hazardous and required my wits about me, not a great situation to be in before I’ve had my breakfast.  Sheep can be quite adept at rugby and thought nothing of tackling me to the ground if it meant they could stick their head in a bucket.

waiting at the gate
yum yum!

These days I put the troughs in a separate part of the paddock and close the gate before the sheep come down so they can’t get up to tricks.  This makes life much easier and is also very amusing to watch when I open the gate and the sheep bundle through closely followed by Elliot who likes to join in the scrum.