We had been allowing our hay to dry out and so had moved the farm equipment out of the shed to give us extra space. Having dried out, I stored it all away over the weekend.
Now, we have spotted on a fairly regular basis a young hedgehog wandering around during the day. It seems fine and has duly ignored the food we put out for it (puppy food in case you were wondering). I spotted it wandering around our large shed but thought little of it and left it to carry on.
As you probably know, hedgehogs are called hedgehogs because they like to nest in hedges. They can also be quite partial to piles of garden rubbish. I also know that they don’t tend to nest in the same place until they hibernate.
This hedgehog has not read the same books as me!
I noticed, in the middle of the shed floor, a small pile of hay and straw. I went over to look and there was the little hedgehog nesting in it. So this little hedgehog has chosen a to nest in a huge shed, maybe to keep out of the rain. It also dawned on me that it must have liked the space under the drying out bales of hay.
So, I put some bales round to keep it warm and safe. The spot is marked by an arrow in the picture above.
And all the farming equipment remains out in the rain.