A cold snap in November seems to have been a regular thing ever since I was a kid. Each year, the frost would come and it would look like a white christmas was in the offing, only for it to warm up again.
The last couple of weeks have been pretty chilly. The good thing is that after a spell of heavy rain, it has given the ground a chance to dry out a bit. Nevertheless, winter is here and it we’ll be dealing with mud for a while now.
The best part of the frosty weather is the sunrises we get here. Looking out to the east, we see the sun rising over the hills casting it’s red and orange glows across the sky. It’s a very peaceful time of the day.
It’s a pleasant walk up to find the sheep and see what they are up to. Mostly, it’s lying around after a good night’s sleep out in the cold air. The sheep do like a bit of cold, dry weather.
For us, after the walk around to check all the animals fine and that the hen doors have not frozen shut, it’s back inside to our Aga warmed kitchen for a breakfast of good Scottish porage.