It’s a while since I put paw to paper, you can read my last story here:
A few days ago something brilliant happened, the outside world turned white and the ground turned crunchy. Us dogs, we have two worlds; the outside world where we go on patrol and run about. And the inside world where we eat and sleep. As a dog I’m good at noticing things. I’ve noticed the white crunchy thing only happens in the outside world.
Today, George (my dog-brother) and I couldn’t wait to go outside and explore the white crunchy world.
Morning is our favourite time for going out. In the morning the outside world is full of smells. But before we can go out we have to ‘sit’ and ‘wait’ in a place called ‘the porch’. The ‘porch’ is the bit between the inside world and the outside world. In the porch the girl human puts on our collars, ‘clip, clip’. Then she makes us wear funny looking glowing collars. I have an orange one and George has a blue one. I’ve noticed she only puts these on when it’s dark in the outside world.
George and I can’t wait to get going, we are nearly beside ourselves. But we know better than to let our girl human know this. We pretend to be cool as cucumbers.
At last, the door opens and we follow the girl human into the outside world. Our girl human keeps walking but George and I stand on the doorstep sniffing and looking. We do this every time we go out. We sniff and scan. It’s our job to know what’s going on before deciding what to do next.

This morning the smells were different . My nose got excited and started to twitch. My legs felt springy like they do before a zoomie.
Suddenly George and I found ourselves on what the humans call ‘the lawn’. Normally the lawn is green. Today it was white and crunchy under paw.
George and I found ourselves skidaddling about. We couldn’t help it. The white stuff makes us feel like puppies again. I’m a grown-up dog now with responsibilities. But the white stuff calls and makes me do roly-polies and zoomies. George is even older than me but he tells me the same thing happens to him.
We both had a brilliant time rolling around. I noticed our girl human didn’t join in. She just watched us and smiled.
Then we remembered our morning jobs.

Firstly we headed to the compost heap to sniff out the smells. But there were no smells there today. Normally it is full of smells to investigate. Sometimes I’m lucky and can reach in and have a proper sniff around when my humans aren’t looking. My legs are very long which is handy for things like this. But overnight the compost heap had turned white and all the fun things in it had disappeared. So we aborted mission and headed off to the muck heap. Lately George and I have noticed lots of badger activity at the muck heap. They make a right mess of things, scattering dung left right and centre. George and I would get a ticking off if we did that. The badgers get away with murder.

After our morning jobs we found ourselves at the gate at the end of the track. I like ‘the gate’, it is the bit between ‘the garden’ and ‘the fields’. The ‘fields’ are where our friends the sheep live.

In the field George and I did roly polys and zoomies all the way to the next place on our morning walk; ‘the woods’.

We go to ‘the woods’ every morning and sniff out what’s been going on there during the night. it is part of what we do every day. Our humans call it ‘a routine’. Us dogs, we like ‘a routine’. In the woods the smells and sounds are different to the fields. Deep in the woods we heard a funny sound from high up. It sounded like: “twit, wit woooooo”. The girl human stood still, pricked her ears up and listened closely. I have noticed that even though she is a human, she is quite similar to a dog at times.
After a while we found ourselves back at the gate and George and I remembered our next activity was just around the corner; breakfast. Breakfast is one of our favourite things, especially after a morning zooming about in the snow!