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Lambing Imminent

Sheep checking out new facilities

The calendar tells us spring is here though so far, the odd glimmer aside, the weather has remained pretty wintry.  However, winter or spring, the date for our ewes to lamb fast approaches.  The first is due April 10th, but could easily be early.

Sheep in lambing paddock
Sheep in lambing paddock

So, on Good Friday, we moved them.  This was a well planned operation.  First, we separated them at the gate between two fields.  We had to separate the pregnant ewes from those not expecting, namely last year’s lambs and a couple of adults with problems precluding them from giving birth.  That went quite well, though the use of sheep nuts to tempt them through the narrowly open gate was almost too much for the lambs who, being small, quick and agile, almost got past Nicole the gatekeeper.

Then it was a leisurely walk across the field, led by Nicole, while I ran on ahead to open the gates.  Across the field, down a steep slope, through a carefully cut hole in the fence, past the pond and into the lambing paddock.  The slope had been a bit of a worry because some of these ewes are massive and have quite short legs.  We had b=visions of them rolling down.  Thankfully, they negotiated it with no trouble at all.  In no time, the first 7 were into the lambing paddock.  However, the 4 lagging behind got it all wrong, missing the hole in the fence and gathering down the slope way below the entrance.

Nicole zipped over and led them through.

Now, a lot of thought has gone into this lambing paddock.  It has been months of work creating and building it, fencing, removing about 100m of chicken netting, removing masses of brambles, building and equipping the lambing shed.  We wanted a big shed with electricity and also access to grass.  This was the moment of truth – would the sheep like it.

Vi relaxing in lamb paddock
Vi relaxing in lamb paddock

Well, they love it.  A large, spacious and airy shed with fresh water and food just outside.  New views, grass that hasn’t seen a ruminant in years.  A hedge to browse.  Trees for a good head scratch.  What’s not to like?

And new creatures (hens) to observe.  The hens and sheep are sharing this area.

After a quick look round, it was time to stretch out in the afternoon sun.  Yes, afternoon sun! Mind you, the north wind was fair chilly but that’s not a problem when you have a thick woolly coat.

And now, it’s regular checks, ramping up to 3 hourly next week.  Ah, sleepless nights in store.  The good news is that the rams were only with the ewes for 2 weeks, so it should,  things hopefully going well, all be over by the end of April.  And then we’ll be posting piccies of lambs gamboling in the spring sunshine.

sheep checking out the view
sheep checking out the view


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Don’t mention the Sunshine

Vi on rock and Peaches

The last time I mentioned the sunshine and how welcome it was, within days the “Beast from the East” arrived bringing yet more snow and freezing conditions.  In a way, we were fortunate.  Living in the West, we were on the tail end of it so we only had a couple of inches of snow.  Nothing like January.  However, it did blow into some interesting drifts meaning only our landrovers could get in or out for a few days.

The downside was that, just as the animals were starting to find fresh grass, it all disappeared and we spent last Sunday panic buying haylage.  And, given the winter we’ve had, winter feed is scarce.

Anyway, today, the sun returned.  After yesterday’s heavy rain, it was a bit muddy again, but that didn’t seem to matter.  There’s something about a bit of spring sunshine that just makes everything a little bit easier.

Frogs and spawn
Frogs and spawn

The hens are happy.  Having spent much of the last few days, weeks even, sheltering from the elements, they were out and about in the sun.  And there have been no more badger sightings (phew!)

From nowhere, the pond is suddenly full of frogs all croaking away and breeding like, well, like frogs.  We’ve actually had to rescue a few who seemed to have given up halfway to the pond and stopped for a rest on the track.  And also, there were a number of frogs contemplating crossing the hen run to get there – not a good idea!

The sheep are as happy as we have ever seen them.  They love the haylage, so much so that the can’t be bothered to head off foraging now.  Fair enough, eleven of them are pregnant and starting to show it.  And it’s hard work waddling through mud to get to grass when there is haylage just sitting there waiting to be eaten.

Bramble free zone
Bramble free zone

But while the poor weather has slowed progress, it hasn’t stopped us.  Mrs D has been ripping out brambles with a vengeance.  Day after day, bag after bag.  Her arms getting ripped to shreds.  But what a difference.  There are still some left, especially on the west side where they are invading like triffids.  That land belongs to the Forestry Commission, so there’s not much we can do but snip those ones at the fence.


The cows continue to prosper.  The loss of Ivor has left a gap that is hard to fill, but Texa and Bluebell seem to be handling it better than we are.

Their training continues.  I call it training, but really it’s just getting them used to us.  We need to be able to comb their fringes at some point and they are not keen on being handled from the neck up.  They are getting cow nuts each day and I  use that opportunity to stroke them all round their heads.  Texa seems to be much more accepting than Bluebell.

lambing pens
lambing pens

And finally, our preparations for lambing are almost complete.  The lambing shed is pretty much complete and we have 4 lambing pens ready and waiting.  This year’s plan is to allow them to wander around the paddock in front of the house rather than keep them in the shed.  To be honest, at the first hint of rain they’ll be straight in anyway.

The electrician is coming Tuesday to install a power supply so the heat lamp you can just see dangling in the corner will be fully operational.

All in all, a good day, though we are both knackered and ready for nice hot bath.

lambing shed
lambing shed in the sun
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What a difference a bit of sunshine makes

lambing shed

When we moved here to Auchenstroan, we thought there was not much to do.  It seemed like all the fencing was in place and that it was all set up for sheep.  Well, a year later, we cannot believe how busy we have been.  We haven’t helped ourselves by leaping into taking on new animals, namely pigs and cows.  But on top of that, there was no water system for the fields, no decent lambing facilities, no pig facilities and no cow facilities.  What there was, was lots of brambles.  Lots!

On top of that, it seems to have been raining since last July.  Either that or snowing.  To be honest, we are both a bit tired of trudging through the mud delivering feed to our various flock.  The mud does its best to suck of your boots off.  The snow made it hard getting up and down the hills.  That said, on the plus side it’s hilly here so it does dry quickly.  If it would stop raining, or snowing.

It has not been an easy start to the year.  Nicole has described our losses, Ivor and the badger attack on the chickens.  This time last week I was up to my knees (because I was kneeling) in mud constructing an anti badger electric fence.  It was a yet another cold, damp day.

new gateway in dry stone dyke
new gateway in dry stone dyke

This incessant bad weather hasn’t stopped us.  For example, we have been improving the inter-connectivity of our fields.  This is mainly to keep the cows out of the sheep shelters – they are too big and would probably flatten them.  So, two weekends ago we were out in the snow putting a gateway into a dry stone dyke.  It was a good, if tiring, weekend are we really pleased with the results.

And at last, the weather has changed – we have had a week of sunshine.  A dry week.  It has been freezing cold, but that’s fine, just having the sun shine has really lifted our spirits.

Also, getting to the bottom of why the aga never got very hot has been brilliant.  When we dug up the concrete floor to in the utility room, we found the oil pipe buried and with a huge dent in it.  Given the aga oil flow runs on gravity, that was a very useful find and has now been repaired.

Today, the sun has shone brightly and we have managed to give all the sheep their annual booster.  This was despite the cows coming rushing through their new gate and over to see what we were up to.  We had the sheep treatment pen next to the fence resulting in two big faces with horns attached leaning over the fence trying to get to the sheep nuts.  We had to put move them out and shut the gate – they were not impressed. And an unimpressed highland cow can be quite scary, hats off to Nicole for leading them away while I attached the gate.  We made it up to them later by giving them a fresh bale of haylage.

lambing shed entrance
lambing shed entrance

Best of all, the lambing paddock is starting to look great.  The shed is built, the fencing all done and Nicole has removed all the old chicken wire fencing and all the brambles.  No mean feet.  The electrician is coming this week to add power and next weekend we’ll put the lambing pens together.

I even got a moment to sit on a rock and take in some February sun.  Lovely.

Soon it will be spring – we can’t wait.

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Cows Tucking Into Haylage

Cows and haylage

Following on from our Sunday morning “board” meeting and our decisions on where to site our cow management area, today we moved to phase 2.  This was made possible by the speedy delivery of a haylage spike for the tractor that I had ordered on Saturday.  Our original plan had been to roll these bales of haylage to where they are needed.  Ha – ha!  They weigh nearly 500Kg.

haylage bale on tractor
haylage bale on tractor

I had picked up two bales of haylage on Saturday and they were parked on the ground.  I assembled the spike and fitted it to the tractor.  A practice run moving a bale of straw (a big round one, not a small one) went well.  So, I moved onto the haylage.  My first attempt failed, I hadn’t lined the spike up very well and the tractor couldn’t lift it.  I tried again, got it right and off I went with the large bale down to the cow field.

I put the bale down on an area of track so the cows would have hard standing when they eat.  Much better than standing in six inches of mud.  I took the tractor back and then, with Nicole being back from work, we had lunch.

Nicole with haylage
Nicole with haylage

After lunch, Nicole and I went down to make it all ready.  We stripped the plastic and netting off the bale and tried to tip it onto it’s base.  It seemed so easy on This Farming Life on the TV.  We had a go and, having managed to move it at least 2 inches, we stopped to ponder and then I headed off to get the tractor.  That made life much easier and with a gentle nudge from the front loader, the bale was in place in no time.

Next, we rolled the feeder down the hill, over bumpy frozen ground and icy sheets.  At least it was downhill!

And now it was time for the best bit – we went off to get the cows.  They had, of course, migrated to the top of the field, as far away as possible.  They do like it up there.  Nevertheless, armed with samples of haylage, we soon had their attention and they started to follow us down.  Now, Bluebell and Ivor are calm as you like.  But Texa gets very excited and does an excellent impression of a charging, bucking bronco.  She usually skids to halt beside us looking slightly surprised and also gazing intently at any food we might be carrying.  I dropped a little haylage which kept her happy and we kept going.  After that was eaten, Texa bucked and charged again causing  Nicole to drop all her bundle of haylage.  Texa doesn’t mean to hurt us, she’s just excited and happy, but when you are standing on an icy hill watching her careering towards you, you do worry she might misjudge slightly!

Texa tucking in
Texa tucking in

Anyway, we soon had Texa down at the feeding station.  Of course, Bluebell and Ivor had found some tasty grass so off I went to fetch them.  I persuaded Bluebell to follow me without too much trouble.  She loves haylage.  Then, we heard a plaintive “moo” from behind the wall.  Ivor had stayed behind and was wondering where everyone had gone.  Nicole went off and fetched him.

As for the haylage, the cows love it.  The best part is that Nicole will no longer have to lump a bale of hay across the field every morning.  Plus, we should have enough hay left for the sheep now for the rest of winter.  This huge bale should last the cows a week or so.  And of course, they won’t go hungry – they have as much food as they need, on demand.

tucking into haylage
Ivor, Bluebell and Texa tucking into haylage
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Happy New Year

Auchenstroan snow

Happy New Year to all our readers.  Hope it’s a great one.

With Christmas and New Year past, we are now making our plans for 2018.  We are looking more and more into natural farming and managing the soil.  I say “we”, the bulk of the research is being carried out by Nicole who has her head buried in books by Graham Harvey (Grass Fed Nation being her favourite).

With this in mind, we are trying to move away totally from bagged feeds, especially those that are grain based.  We are alarmed by stories of how factory farming is now using glyposphate to dry out grains prior to harvesting along with various pesticides.  These deadly chemicals are leaking into both animal feeds and also the human food chain.  You can give the animals a great place to live, but if they are eating crap food, then ultimately, that’s what we can end up eating!

So, we have earmarked an area to grow sugar beet and this will replace sheep nuts next year.  We are looking for a local source of waste vegetables which we would feed to our pigs (though we may be taking a year off from raising pigs this year).  We’d need around 150Kg a week so it would need to be a pretty good source.

In the meantime, work goes on at Auchenstroan.  It is our first winter here and it’s a proper winter with ice and snow.  We really like the cold spells.  The mud freezes hard and so the animals can get around more easily (and are not up to their knees in mud).  It’s dry and the cows are particularly thankful for that as they have no field shelter.  And it makes it easier for us to zoom around on the quadbike stocking up the hay where it’s needed.  The only problem is that the water troughs freeze over, so we need to keep de-icing them.

Today, we worked out where to put our cow management area.  Ivor has his operation booked for 1st February.  We need to have him halter trained and used to the cattle crush by than.  We also have purchased some large bales of haylage (the animals have been motoring through the hay this winter).  They are seriously heavy and I have had to order a tractor bale spike so that we can move them.

Anyway, having put the cattle crush in a field at great risk (of the tractor sliding down a hill), today we moved it (at great risk) and we are really pleased with our new set up.  It’s accessible for us, the vet and the cows. We can also put their haylage feeder there so it will be easier to train Ivor as he’ll be standing next to the crush munching away.

In the summer, we will build a shed next to it and have a proper cow area which means they will have warm and toasty winter quarters.  Knowing highland cows, they will probably still sleep out rough (unlike our sheep who are virtually living in their shed at the moment coming out only to browse their hay racks).


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Lambing shed

lambing shed posts in

Last year’s lambing was hard.  We used an existing shed but it didn’t really go as planned.  We ended up having to lamb one ewe out in the fields and that meant a longish walk two or three times during the night for nearly two weeks (you can read about that here). Plus, the lambs were out of sight over the hill.

So, we had a think about it and decided to build lambing facilities in front of the house.  There’s a bit of an orchard there and it’s also where the chicken run is.  So, we drew up the plans.  It involves fencing on two sides.  One end already is fenced and the other has a dry stone dyke.  Plus, we need to fence the chicken houses and feeders off so they can get out but the sheep can’t get in.

lambing shed posts in
lambing shed posts started

It has turned out to be a long job.  This is mainly as other jobs suddenly surfaced and distracted me – pig pen extension, helping plumber with the new bathrooms, sorting out the new utility room.  And with winter approaching, all I had managed to get done was the hen area and one fence.

Luckily, my brother in law arranged a visit.  We told him to bring his drill!

all posts in
all posts in

The lambing shed is to nestle into a hillside so that it is tucked away out of sight.  This meant there was a bit of a drop, a metre in fact.  That seemed quite a lot, so I did some levelling.  When Matt got here, we got straight into putting the posts is.  This should have been a lot easier than it was.  However, the freezing temperatures meant the fast drying postcrete did not dry in seconds, but more like a couple of hours!  Nevertheless, we pressed on and got all the posts in.  It resembled a woodhenge!

We left them to settle and next day started on the walls.  We put up some of the walls to help stabilise things and then got to work on the roof.  We worked pretty much non-stop and by then of the day, we had all the roof beams in place and half the roof on.

Matt headed off home.  The news announced the imminent arrival of storm Caroline.  Great I thought, just what we need, high winds around a half finished shed.

But with Matt’s help, we’d broken the back of it.  I got the rest of the roof on and three walls up.  I left the fourth so I can dump some hard core in to make a better, and level, floor.  It survived the storm.

Now I am waiting for the ground to freeze this weekend so I can use the tractor to get the hardcore in.  Nearly job done.  And next year, lambing should be so much easier.  The ewes will have access to shelter, hay and fresh grass.  We’ll be able to watch them from our kitchen window.  And everything will be close to the house.

lambing shed nearly there
lambing shed nearly there
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Tupping Time

Wallace takes an interest

It’s two weeks to the winter solstice and the snow is falling gently outside as the afternoon draws towards night.  Storm Caroline is in the area but fortunately, the really high winds have passed us by.  It’s just a wee bit cold and blowy, so I thought I’d catch up with the blog.  It has been a few weeks!

Well, tupping time has been and gone.  We are targeting lambing for late April, so tupping was timed for mid November onwards.  Our two young tups (who we raised from lambs) remained blissfully unaware of the treat in store.  Over the year, they have matured and calmed down a bit.  This made raddling them easy, both their tummies splashed with bright yellow greasy paint.  It really helps to know when the lambs are due!

So one chilly but bright November Saturday morning, we began the process.  This was not just a case of throwing the two tups in with the ewes.  We had worked out the family trees and each tup was allocated 6 ewes.  All this year’s lambs plus one ewe with ring womb were to be kept apart.

So, first job, separating the ewes into three groups.  Nicole handled this and in next to no time we were ready for phase 2.  We moved the first group of six ewes into a small field.  Then, it was off to fetch Wart (these were his 6).  Nicole led him down with the halter.  Now, Wart and Wallace have never been apart so we had given Wallace some sheep nuts in the hope he wouldn’t notice Wart’s absence.

Wart smells the air
Wart smells the air

As we drew close to the six ewes, Wart caught their scents and was transformed from a reluctant foot dragging ball of wool to an eager beaver and was through the gate in a flash.  He couldn’t believe his luck and wasn’t sure which ewe to approach first.  The ewes were not that impressed to be honest and largely ignored him.  But, Wart was happy and we left him to it.

coming to meet Wallace
coming to meet Wallace

I nipped back up to Wallace’s field and Nicole went off to fetch the second group of six.  Wallace joined me in looking down the hill as they approached.  He remained remarkably calm, even as they came through the gate.  Of course, the first thing the ewes smelt was the sheep nuts and they were straight over to the trough.  This gave Wallace the chance to check them out, which he duly did.

After attempting to mount Peaches, who was not impressed, we noticed Vi and Vera had made a beeline for Wallace.  In fact, they stood either side of him making eyes and leaning into him.  If you can imagine a sheep flirting, well that’s what it looked like.  Wallace was happy.

We left them to it.  Wallace was indeed a busy boy and within 2 days 5 of his ewes had the tell tale yellow splodges on their rears.  In Wart’s field, a couple played hard to get so while most will be born in the first 3-4 days of lambing next year, there will likely be a two week window which we will have to monitor.

Of course, it’s never quite that simple.  A few days in, Nicole rushed back from the morning feed and check to announce that Wallace had taken his gate off and was in with Wart.  Well, we had to get him back because his mum and sister were in there!  Plus, Wart had access to his mother and grandmother.  So, we sorted them all out and reset the gate and tied it to it’s hinges.  And there’s me thinking only pigs could do that.

After around two weeks, the weather crashed and it became wet and cold.  So, we separated them back out so that they all had access to shelters.  Wallace and Wart were not that impressed at first and there was a bit of biffing.

But all is calm now, until April that is…


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Hedgehog takes over Shed

We had been allowing our hay to dry out and so had moved the farm equipment out of the shed to give us extra space.  Having dried out, I stored it all away over the weekend.

Now, we have spotted on a fairly regular basis a young hedgehog wandering around during the day.  It seems fine and has duly ignored the food we put out for it (puppy food in case you were wondering).  I spotted it wandering around our large shed but thought little of it and left it to carry on.

As you probably know, hedgehogs are called hedgehogs because they like to nest in hedges.  They can also be quite partial to piles of garden rubbish.  I also know that they don’t tend to nest in the same place until they hibernate.

This hedgehog has not read the same books as me!

I noticed, in the middle of the shed floor, a small pile of hay and straw.  I went over to look and there was the little hedgehog nesting in it.   So this little hedgehog has chosen a to nest in a huge shed, maybe to keep out of the rain.  It also dawned on me that it must have liked the space under the drying out bales of hay.

So, I put some bales round to keep it warm and safe.  The spot is marked by an arrow in the picture above.

And all the farming equipment remains out in the rain.

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Highland Cows Come to Auchenstroan

bluebell and ivor

On Sunday, our highland cows arrived.  We have been waiting ages as one of them turned out to be pregnant, so we postponed their arrival until the calf was born.  It was a great experience, offloading them and moving them into a nearby field.  We have to thank Jim and Fiona for bringing them over (we don’t have a big enough trailer).

Having learned from our pigs experience, we allowed them some time to settle.  At first, they spent much time by the gate where they had come in.  But the grass was lush and they were soon tucking in.

We had been receiving training in handling cows and have spent time with Texa and Bluebell before their move.  We had combed them and tried to get to know them.  We think they recognise us, but they are, for the moment, keeping their distance.

ivor the highland coo
Ivor the highland coo

The calf, Ivor, is a right little cutie pie.  He is torn by curiosity and wariness.  He studies us, approaches, then changes his mind.  Every now and then, he tears round the field.

After a couple of days, we opened the access into a larger field.  This one has a steep bank with overgrown grass but also the new grass from where the hay was cut.  We lead the three cows up to the new grass.  All three skipped for joy, it was lovely to watch.  Ivor, of course, tore round as there was lots of space for him.

They also came face to face with our tups which are in the field next door.  Both cows and tups were very curious about each other.

They seem to be settling in well, despite the constant rain we seem to be having.  We are working on getting them to trust is so that we can approach them.  They need combed from time to time, well, maybe not “need”, but it helps.

It is great having highland cows.  They are majestical, magical beasts.  It is a magical experience just sitting with them.

highland cows bluebell ivor and texa
Bluebell, Ivor and Texa
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Happy Pigs

Happy Pig

Truth be told, it has not been the best summer I can remember.  We are still counting our blessings that we got the hay in when we did as sunny days have been conspicuous by their absence.  And recently, there has been quite a lot of heavy rain.  So the ground stays wet.

pigs up to knees in mud
pigs up to knees in mud

Now, our pigs have a decent sized run but with all the rain, it has turned into what can best be described as liquid mud.  It’s up to their knees and almost impossible to walk in.  It’s the sort of mud that pulls your wellies off and won’t give them back.

Pigs may like mud, but even they seemed to be struggling a bit in this quagmire.

So, we gave it some thought.  Our original plan was to have two runs side by side as it’s not a good idea to put pigs onto the same ground two years running.  But recently, we decided it would be easier on us to keep pigs only every second year.

So, we decided on an extension.  Over the weekend I put in new fence posts.  We had to wait for the concrete to dry on the big ones, but this morning I added the fencing and it was time for the opening ceremony.  I cut a doorway from the existing run into the extension.  Of course, the pigs having spent all morning watching my every move, were now focused elsewhere!  So, we got some lettuce and tempted them over.

pigs in the undergrowth
pigs in the undergrowth

They were straight through and it was clear they were really happy.  This patch had just been left so it was tall grasses, weeds, berry bushes and shrubs.  Pig heaven.  Making their happy grunting noises, they explored this new area.  The ripe blackberries soon disappeared.  As did the cow parsley which seems to be a particular favourite.

And it was a bonus not having to wade through all that mud.

We gave them lunch as normal but they ignored that.  By mid afternoon, they were worn out and had retired to the pig arc for a well earned nap.

There’s something special about seeing happy animals.  I expect they’ll be up bright and early tomorrow for more foraging.

Mind you, there is something about pigs and mud, they do seem fascinated by it….

pigs and mud
pigs and mud